Family 5
Child 5A:
8 year old boy
Wears big kid size 2 shoes, youth 10/12 Shirts and Pants
Wish List:
- Loves Minecraft, Roblox, Pokémon
- Sweatshirts
- Socks
- Chapter books
Child 5B:
6 year old girl
Wears little kid size 11 shoes, youth 7/8 Shirts and Pants
Wish List:
- Easel for painting.
- Anything arts and crafts
(Paint by numbers, Diamond painting)
- Barbies
- Mini brands (has been talking about them for months now.)
- Sweaters
- Books
- New bedding set
- Pillows
- Socks
- Fidget toys (has ADD)
Child 5C:
4 year old girl
Wears 5t shirts and pants, size little kid 10 shoes
Wish List:
- Magic Mixies
- Hatchanimald
- Mini brands
- Mystery Mee Meows
- Barbies
- Sweaters
- Socks
- Underwear
- Kindergarten books
- Bath items
Child 5D:
3 year old boy
Wears 4t shirts and pants, size little kid 8 shoes
Wish List:
- Preschool books
- Pants
- Socks
- Potty training items
- Sweaters
- Sensory toys.